Self Defense Book--Waking The Tiger Within

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Chapter Ten

Terrorist Beware

Now having read the preceding chapters on personal security you are ready to deal with most all possible terrorist threats.

In the Awareness Chapter you learned how to use mental conditioning and the color code to be ultra-aware of your surroundings and how to trust your gut-instinct.

The Tiger Chapter dealt with the emotional state-of-mind needed for brutal self-defense. (definitely the most difficult, and most important to learn.)

Then in the Stop Button Chapter you were taught the secrets to ending a fight in one second. As well as some great self-defense techniques.

In the Home Defense Chapter your house was transformed from a dwelling into a sanctuary. You learned to defend your home as an extension of yourself.

The Group Attack Chapter helped prepare you for a multiple terrorist attack.

You are most likely to have to deal with terrorism as you travel. Whether your travel is walking around your own familiar neighborhood or traveling in a foreign country you are exposed and more likely to be the proposed victim of terrorism. In the Travel Safe Chapter you were taught all you need to know on moving about in a safe, secure way.

Terrorist rely on their targets being easily terrorized. The average un-trained individual will nine times out of ten cower with fear when unexpected violence comes their way, playing exactly into the plans of the terrorist.

Because of the training you've received by reading Waking The Tiger Within you won't be shocked or surprised when terrorist violence comes your way. Quite the opposite. You expect it and will most likely act against the terrorist before he can move against you.

Some people have asked me: "How can you protect yourself from a totally random terrorist attack like a Suicide-Bomber, where the terrorist walks into a crowded area and ignites an explosive device hidden under his clothing?"

The answer is, you can't avoid all terrorist attacks always. It may happen so unexpectedly that you just can't escape from it. In that case the terrorist gets you, but he only wins if you allow yourself to be so fearful of a potential attack that you let that fear alter your normal life-style. You've got to take reasonable precautions. Beyond that, you are falling into their trap by allowing their acts of brutality to terrorize you.

In the case of the Suicide-Bomber, there are some possible ways to defend against even something that unexpected.

Number one: Trust your gut-instinct. If all of a sudden you get the feeling you're in grave danger, don't wonder why. Get yourself immediately out of the area while you prepare yourself to take defensive action.

The gut-feeling reaction was caused by a real danger. Your sub-conscious mind picked up on a signal that your (much slower) conscious mind had not yet registered.

While at the restaurant you spotted out of the corner of your eye a very desperate nervous looking man walking your way. It was just a glimpse, but it was enough of a danger signal to trip your adrenal system controlled by your sub-conscious into high-gear. That caused your digestive system to shut down resulting in a queasy feeling in your gut (gut-feeling).

You don't know why you feel it, but you know something is wrong. By trusting it you will be able to get away from the desperate, nervous man heading your way. He's desperate for a reason. He's going to blow himself up for his "Cause", hoping to kill as many Americans as possible. You won't be one of those Americans because you are long gone when he self-ignites.

Number two: It's important to be vigilant. Any time you're in a large group setting you are more of a target for terrorism. While at an arena, movie theater, restaurant or any other area where you're grouped with many other people you must be extra aware and focused. Know where the exits are. Try to stay at the periphery avoiding the middle of the crowd. Watch for people behaving oddly. Keep extra attention focused on those who don't seem to fit.

We are all very fixated lately on protection from terrorists while flying. After the high-jackings of September 11, 2001 it makes sense to at least be weary of such attacks happening in the future.

Flying The Not-So-Friendly Skies

It is definitely more frightening to fly since the attacks of September 11th 2001. The government has made an attempt to increase security for America's flying public. Few people feel any safer flying even now after the recent safety procedures that are being used at all American airports.

I feel we are actually safer flying now than at any other time in our country's history.

Passengers today are all very aware of any suspicious behavior from any fellow passenger and any form of aggression is instantly squelched.

Before September 11th, most people onboard an aircraft gave very little attention to the people around them and assumed that the worst thing that could happen during a flight would be a high-jacking of the plane. Thinking the sky-jackers would divert the flight to Cuba or some other third world country, and as long as everyone cooperated, no one would get hurt.

As we all have recently learned, the rules have changed.

No longer will "going along with the program" guarantee survival. In fact just the opposite. Now passengers are prepared to take matters into their own hands, taking responsibility for their own future.

If someone onboard does anything even slightly threatening, they are instantly pounced upon and subdued by fellow passengers. This is the main safety characteristic that has changed since September 11th.

Think of all those poor souls aboard the planes flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that lost their lives due to everyone onboard those ill-fated flights just "going along with the program."

Lucky for all of us, that will never be allowed to happen again.

The passengers aboard the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania had it right.

They knew that the high-hijackers were going to use their flight to kill innocent people as in the reports they had heard from family via cell-phone

calls. They knew that if they did what they were told they were going to die anyway. So, they decided to at least do something to fight back. Because of their brave sacrifice, they most likely saved hundreds of people at the White

House from being killed. Today most everyone on any flight has that same attitude of fight for your life and never submit.

Passengers now are ready and willing to fight back against the terrorists that threaten us. There is no safety procedure or device that measures up even slightly to this major safety improvement. There is today in effect a plane full of Sky-marshals ready to take action.

What Can I Do To Be Safer?

Number one: Be an aware passenger. As soon as you get onboard, take a look around and determine who might be likely to cause trouble.

Watch for things that look out of place. Like the recent incident with the Shoe-Bomber taking off his shoe and then trying to ignite some part of it, (very suspicious). Luckily a stewardess was paying attention and instantly threw hot coffee at his face allowing time for surrounding passengers to tackle him before he could set off a shoe-bomb. (It was later shown using an actual airliner that had the shoe-bomber been able to detonate his device, it would have blown the plan into two huge pieces, instantly killing all on board.)

Number two: If possible arrange to sit near or at the back of the aircraft. There are several tactical advantages to being at the very back of the plane. First, the rear of the plane often survives the perils of a plane crash. You are certainly going to be very near an exit, which could be very important if the plane is commandeered while still on the ground. The most important reason is to be able to see what the aggressors are doing at all times. You don't want one of those crazies at your back.

Number three: Look around you to see what improvised weapons you can find to defend yourself.

It's unlikely that a terrorist will be able to bring onboard a firearm to commit his awful deeds. Probably you will need to defend yourself against a fanatic who is using a small sharp implement.(box-cutter).

So, think of what improvised weapon would give you a distance-advantage, and shield against an edged-weapon.

A view of typical passenger cabin as seen from back of plane

From this vantage point all activity throughout the plane can be seen

Here are some common items onboard an aircraft that can be used as defensive weapons:

1. Your belt (a good long-range weapon.) It's easy to quickly take off your belt and use it as a vertical blocking device held between both hands. After blocking a stabbing attack, you can wrap the belt around the attackers wrist and pull him off balance.

2. A cup of steaming-hot coffee or tea (thrown at the face stops most all attacks.) This was used quite effectively against the Shoe-Bomber.

3. The fold-down tray in front of you can be broken off and used as a shield. With the tray in the extended position, you can drive both forearms down with full force and use it to deflect an attack.

4. Your blanket, pillow, jacket or other piece of clothing can be used as a cushion wrapped on your weak arm to take the blow of the terrorist's sharp implement.

5. Your shoe thrown at the attacker's head as a distraction.

6. A women's purse (a great long range weapon) can be swung at the attackers head, or used to deflect an attack.

7. Your briefcase or laptop computer as a shield or blunt weapon swung at the head.

8. The credit-card phone in front of you can be thrown or swung at the attacker's head.

9. A rolled-up magazine can make a strong stabbing implement directed at the throat.

10. Your seat cushion, and life preserver can easily be removed and can make a great deflection device to shield you from a stabbing attack.

Its easy to see that most anything can become an effective improvised weapon when one has the correct mind-set for survival. The important thing to keep in mind is that you are fighting for your life. So, anything goes, and your counter-attack must be sudden, fierce and as un-expected as the terrorist's initial attack.

I hope that more people return to flying knowing that now, because passengers are ready to take responsibility for their own safety, the skies may not be friendlier, but they are at least much safer.

Written by: Scott Flint, Author of:
Waking The Tiger Within:
How To Be Safe From Crime On The Street, At Home, On Trips, At Work and At School

Here are a few of the most recent Self-Defense articles written by Scott

Learn to trust that "Gut-feeling"

           It just might save your life

Think of the many times throughout your life when you experienced a strange feeling that turned out to be an early warning of danger.

Use your early-warning radar.

Did you take heed of that warning and avoid the impending danger, or did you ignore your built-in early warning radar and walk right into harm's-way?

The funny feeling in the pit of your stomach or the feeling of the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end are ways of your body telling you that something is very wrong.

Any veteran police officer or soldier who's seen combat and lived to tell about it will explain that part of their survival was due to trusting their "gut-feeling" that they were in danger.

Here's how it works:

There is nothing magical about this sixth-sense. It's simply your body's first reaction to adrenaline entering your blood stream.

As your digestive system is being shut down to allow more blood to flow to your muscles, you get a queasy feeling in your stomach.

Your body is getting a shot of adrenaline because your brain has determined that you're in danger. It isn't paranoia or imagined fear. It's real, and you need to pay attention to it. Deadly attention.

Your sub-conscious which operates ten times faster than your conscious mind has picked up on signals of danger that your conscious mind has not yet processed.

Many times after the immediate threat has subsided you realize what it was that caused your sub-conscious to go into the fight mode.

After thinking about it, you start to understand that while you were talking to the stranger and had that "gut-feeling" that something was wrong; you had seen out of the corner of your eye a second person to your right at a ten foot range.

At the time it was only a flash of movement to your right, but in hindsight you realize that it was an accomplice of the stranger trying to hide from your view behind a car.

Because you trusted your "gut-feeling" you took defensive action and survived. Had you ignored that un-easy feeling, you would not of been aware of the second person coming at you with a tire-iron.

Steps to take when you get that "Gut feeling":

1.) Move! Don't wonder why, just move.

2.) If you're armed, make sure your weapon is ready to be used. Preferably in your hand.

3.) Take a 360 degree look around you. You need to shift to a higher state of awareness, from Yellow to Orange. This is where you identify a possible target. Make your plan of what action you'll take if the target makes a move toward you.

4.) Stay aware, there's a good chance you have multiple targets.

5.) If you're unable to tell what caused the"gut-feeling" of danger. Don't think that your in the clear. The problem may still exist, so let yourself shift back to Yellow, but stay sharp. Allow yourself to shift back to Orange should any new target present itself.

It's been part of you since birth.

You can see the effects of the instinctual "gut-feeling" clearly in an infant child. If the baby is picked up by an adult that doesn't like kids, the baby will cry. If the adult who picks up the baby likes kids, the baby will smile. No matter how the adult acts, or what the adult says to the infant, the baby can sense the adults true intent and will respond to it.

We as adults have that same instinctual ability to sense danger. We just need to learn to trust it, practise using it, and never doubt it.

Just as a yawn is a signal that you're tired, and a sneeze the sign of an impending cold. Your "gut-feeling" is a life saving indicator that you're in serious danger, and to be prepared to take appropriate steps to

defend yourself.

Learn to embrace this God-given self-defense instinct. Never ignore it. Use it, stay safe, stay alive.

By: Scott Flint, Senior Chief Instructor


Waking the Tiger Within: How to Be Safe from Crime on the Street, at Home, on Trips, at Work, and at School with New Fighting Terrorism Chapter
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